Serving is Loving and Growing All at the Same Time.

In a world consumed in so many ways with self and selfishness, graciously serving and helping others and our communities really matters. Appropriately looking beyond solely ourselves and our self interests grows us and allows us to love meaningfully and more fully.  It stands out and highlights a needed contrast in our word and, frankly, is the better Way.  Serving makes a difference, in us, and for those around us.  It builds community, trust, and hope.  It is what Jesus did, brilliantly.  Let’s dive in together and serve.



Ways to Serve:

  • We are searching for volunteers to help us with hospitality, children’s ministries, and logistics.

  • We are looking for musicians and singers to help us with music during our services. We are focused on an acoustical style and simplicity in our approach.

Interested in serving?