What’s UP?
Urban Prairie Community Church (“UP”) is dedicated to: LOVE-GROW-SERVE. UP is striving to be a multi-generational, multi-ethnic and multiplying movement of Christ-followers who are passionate about worshiping Jesus, growing in depth and wisdom, and sharing our lives & faith with others (love in action), including assisting people who don’t have a relationship with God and blessing our communities and world through transformed lives, generosity and grace. This God-sized vision is to be accomplished through prayer and discipleship, so we can love, grow and serve as a community, including consistently planting seeds of Christ-following faith on our journey.
Our Vision
Lovingly impact and help transform our community and our world through the power of the Gospel and the life-giving name of Jesus Christ.
Our Mission
Seek and truly help the hurting, the disenfranchised, the lost, the striving, the disconnected, the trampled, the confused, the wanders and wonders, the explorers, and the disciples on their way with unique approaches, a guiding hand, and love in action.
Christ is Love and to love is acting, thinking, caring and prioritizing like Christ. Love is also a verb.
With God, more depth, wisdom and joy is always possible. Being part of a community of God-honoring fellow sojourners dedicated to purposeful/meaningful living is a gift and the Way.
Service stretches and strengthens us to look beyond ourselves and to put our faith and love into action, making a difference locally and in the world, and bringing a fuller beauty to our lives.
What We Believe
UP is a Christian church dedicated to the Gospel and Jesus Christ.
Below is a non-exclusive overview of our Biblically grounded beliefs, where men and women serve equally and profoundly in and for the Kingdom of God through our church:
We believe God exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that He is a being of unimaginably wonderful power, goodness, grace and love. Psalm 118:1, Psalm 145:1–9, Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14
We believe the Spirit of God is now available so we can be closer to God than the air we breathe. John 14:26, Acts 1:8, Romans 8:26, Galatians 3:14, Ephesians 1:13–14
We believe God has expressed himself uniquely in his Son, Jesus, who lived, taught, died, and rose again for our sakes. Jesus is our master and teacher and savior and friend, and now reigns forever with the Father and the Holy Spirit. John 14:6–7, Acts 2:32, 1 Corinthians 15:3–4, Ephesians 2:13, Colossians 1:15–20, Philippians 2:5–11, 1 Timothy 2:5–6
We believe the world exists because God created it, that it belongs to Him and therefore we should cherish and care for it. Genesis 1:1, Psalm 24:1–2, Isaiah 40:25–26, 1 Corinthians 10:26
We believe all human beings have dignity because they were created by God in his own image, and great worth because they are valued by God beyond our ability to measure. Genesis 1:27, 31, Psalm 8:3–6, John 3:16, Romans 5:8
We believe God does not intend for sin and suffering to get the last word, despite their prevalence, but is at work to redeem and reconcile what He has made. Isaiah 11:6–9, Colossians 1:21–23, Revelation 21:1–5
We believe God has revealed the truth about Himself in the Scriptures (Old and New Testament), which are our unique and authoritative guides in faith and action. Matthew 4:4, 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 2 Timothy 3:16–17
We believe the Church is the community through which God helps bring love, healing, and growth to the human race, to which he invites everyone who is willing to follow Jesus to join. Matthew 18:18–20, John 1:12–13, Acts 1:8, Galatians 3:28, 1 Peter 2:9
We live in hope because Jesus brings love, grace and justice, as His Kingdom is now available to all who believe in Him, and God is setting the world right. Matthew 24:30–31, Luke 12:40, Romans 8:37–39, Revelation 21:1–5
“If we are to be spiritually formed in Christ, we must have and must implement the appropriate vision, intention, and means. Not just any path we take will do.”
— Dallas Willard